Find the ideal itinerary! Select up to three (3) camps or programs you would like to include in your itinerary. The CAMPS list will only include itineraries that stay overnight at that camp, while the PROGRAMS list will include pass-through opportunities. (Ctrl+click to select multiple camps or programs)
Camps (Overnight Locations Only)
Programs (Including Pass-Through)
2025 9-day Itineraries
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Super Strenuous
Burro Trek
Tooth of Time
Baldy Mountain
Mt. Phillips
2025 9-day Itineraries
= staffed camp
= dry camp
= camp not used (2025 9-day treks)
= landmark
Quick Filters
Type: Use: Region: Resource:
Camps & Turnarounds
Archery - 3-dimensional
ATV Rider Course (layover only)
Baldy Mountain hike
Black Powder Rifle
Burro Packing
Burro Racing
Campfire (evening)
Challenge Events
Chuck Wagon Breakfast
Chuck Wagon Dinner
Continental Tie and Lumber Company
Cowboy Action Shooting
Dutch Oven Dessert
Fishing, Fly Tying
Folk Weather Forecasting
Gold Mining and Panning
Horse Rides
Hunter Safety and Laser Shooting Range
Jicarilla Apache Life
Land Navigation, GPS Technology
Leave No Trace Camping
Lodge Tours
Mexican Homestead / Dinner
Morse Code
Mountain Biking
Mountain Man Rendezvous
Post Civil War Settlers
Rock Climbing
Rocky Mountain Fur Company
Search and Rescue
Shooting / Reloading .30-06
Shotgun Shooting / Reloading 12 guage
Tooth of Time hike
Trading Post and Commissary
Western Lore
Wilderness First Aid
Wildlife Conservation
Rendezvous On:
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Route Options
Only available with a premium subscription.
(Reload page if just logged in.)
The algorithm to determine a trail between two locations on a standard itinerary first checks to see if a trail segment exists from the starting camp to the ending camp. If none found, it checks for a path in the opposite direction (from ending camp to starting camp.) These trails, if found, are noted here as "default."
If a default trail does not exist, the algorithm then queries for all trail segments that start or end at one of the selected camps and have a common camp for the other end. These "built" paths are then checked for reasonability to see if this common camp is located in-between the starting and ending camps. The first result that passes the in-between test is used, without checking to see if there are any other results that would also meet the criteria. Potentially there could be other routes that are shorter or "better" than the one selected.
The results presented on this page include both the default paths and the built paths. The reasonability check to see if the common camp is located in-between the two selected camps has also been eliminated in order to show all the results, allowing the crew to make the determination of any alternate routes.
Some trail intersections are not located at a camp, resulting in a segment that may double back for a distance. This can be an opportunity to visit the camp, or a test of the crew's navigation skills.
PhilTrek is an invaluable resource for past and present Philmont 12-day, 9-day, or 7-day trek information. Developed to assist in the selection of an ideal itinerary by filtering the complete range of itineraries down to a manageable list based on the crew's preferred program activities or locations.
Each itinerary includes the standard descriptive information, with visualization of trails and camps on a live map including an interactive elevation profile. Multiple itineraries can be overlaid on a single map to compare. Contingents with multiple crews can determine rendezvous locations and overlay the itineraries that meet at that location to assist in selection.
PhilTrails provides detailed information about each trail segment including a live map of the trail, starting and ending elevations, the minimum and maximum elevations covered, the trail segment length, and an elevation profile.
Premium access to PhilTrek and PhilTrails adds the ability to download paths, camps, and trails in kml format for use in many GPS applications.
Philmont Legacy is a sister-site which documents the Philmont Staff legacy boards created by the seasonal staff of Philmont Scout Ranch.
Special Thanks
Bradley R. for helping with the new menu interface.
Phil W. for the Route Options idea.
Site created and maintained by Michael Rounds, former Philmont staff member (1980-1985). Please report any issues with the site via either of the contact methods listed below.